“Let’s Talk” – 905.925.5898

Partnering with families – helping our children.

Partnering with families – helping our children.

Partnering with families – helping our children.

Specialists in speech and language therapy

The perfect fit.

Frogley Speech Therapy offers evidence-based speech and language services to children in the Durham Region. Our therapy is child-focused and family-centered. Therapy is provided right in the comfort of your own home where real life happens and there is endless opportunity to build communication.

Expertise you can trust.

Maureen Frogley is a registered Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) that uses the 20+ years of experience working with parents of children with varied abilities to make therapy fun, effective and engaging. Therapy is also being provided by Neilab Almasak a Communication Disorders Assistant (CDA) who brings youthful energy and passion of working with children to therapy. Maureen and Neilab work closely together to meet the needs of your family and provide the best intervention possible for your child. 


Why choose us.

We assess and determine your child’s strengths, needs and family priorities. We create achievable goals to help your child’s communication skills move forward. We teach parents about development. We coach parents how to maximize daily learning opportunities so that therapy happens not only when we are there but all throughout the week! 

We want to make your experience as convenient for you as possible.
That’s why we c0me right to your  home, your child’s school or daycare. 

Who is Frogley Speech Therapy for?

For children and youth (0-18 Years old), whose parent's are seeking help because they have concerns about their child’s play and interaction skills, speech and language development, and overall learning or literacy support.  Early intervention is essential to closing the gap of delays, if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to call to get your child's communication skills assessed. 

How it works.


Start here! During a play-based assessment information about your child’s development is collected through parent reporting, informal and formal assessments. We determine your child’s present level of performance and most importantly, their strengths and needs to move forward. Recommendations for therapy will be made after the initial assessment.


 A treatment plan will be discussed with parents that include long and short term goals, and the frequency of therapy needed to best meet the goals. Therapy will be provided by an SLP and/or a Communication Disorders Assistant, based on the goals that have been set. Therapy is provided in the comfort of your own home, at daycare or at school.   


Consultation appointments can be scheduled. Collaboration is the key to success, especially for our children that work with many different therapy providers. We are happy to collaborate with other professionals, such as, ABA therapists, occupational therapists, other SLP's, respite providers, daycare providers, or education staff. 

Report Writing

Parents can request to have a written formal report or a therapy summary for their own documentation. Paediatricians, school teams and/or clinical assessment teams like to have a snapshot of speech and language development that has been targeted, so they can best meet the needs of your child.

We have an extensive selection of specialized services that can be tailored to your specific needs.

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